


First things first — 订购信用报告的副本 and check it for errors. It is not uncommon to find errors on your report, and it?s essential that you 将它们删除 在您开始找房子之前。删除这些错误可能要花费几周甚至几个月的时间,因此请尽快开始此过程。




快速提高信用评分的另一种方法是 付清余额 信用卡或汽车贷款等其他债务。您的目标应该是使用的可用信用少于30%。


如果你想改善自己 信贷利用率 (how much debt you have compared to your credit limits), then you can also ask your creditors to increase your credit limits. While this may seem counterintuitive, as if you?re asking for more debt, it can help to improve your score. Having a higher limit without actually using it means you?re lowering your utilization ratio.

Don?t take out any new loans

Now is not the time to take on new debt, like buying a car. Don?t be tempted to take out a new loan after you?ve been approved, but before you close on your mortgage. Your lender will be checking your credit throughout the loan process. You should wait to make any big purchases until after your loan has closed.

Don?t close accounts

It may be tempting to close unused accounts, but you should wait until after you?ve closed on your home loan. While closing accounts may or may not hurt your credit score, it is better to wait. Your credit score takes into account your credit history and the length of your credit. So closing an account can impact your score and cause your lender to be concerned.

联系Agent inc。今天

Understanding the real estate process can be intimidating, especially for first-time homebuyers. If you?re ready to buy a home, then 联系Agent Inc的专家。在949-791-8160或 [email protected]. We?re here to help you and answer all your questions every step of the way!
