Loma Vista is a neighborhood in San Juan Capistrano, a city in Orange County, California, United States. The city was created around the Mission San Juan Capistrano, and many of the homes and strip malls resemble the Spanish architecture that composes the building. It is home to the widest variety of homes in Orange County, including those built prior to 1900, in its central district (some being adobes from the 18th century). San Juan Capistrano is famous for a population of cliff swallows that migrate each year from Argentina to the Mission San Juan Capistrano.
Percentage change from latest quarter vs same time period previous year
Population by Age Level. Median Age 61.24. Households: 270.
In Thousand of Dollars. (Median Income: $79,091)
Population by Education Level
Fair Market Rents
Public & Private Institutions Of Learning
Education is provided by public, private and home schools. State governments set overall educational standards, often mandate standardized tests for K–12 public school systems and supervise, usually through a board of regents, state colleges, and universities. Funding comes from the state, local, and federal government. Private schools are generally free to determine their own curriculum and staffing policies, with voluntary accreditation available through independent regional accreditation authorities, although some state regulation can apply.
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