
Located just 30 minutes south of Los Angeles, Long Beach, California, is a coastal gem with its own unique, laid-back vibe. As the seventh most populous city in the state, Long Beach has much to offer both residents and visitors — from waterfront adventures to world-class cultural attractions. Let?s take a closer look at this one-of-a-kind Southern California city.


长滩(Long Beach)是洛杉矶都会区的一部分,人口刚超过462,000。长滩位于洛杉矶市中心以南20英里处,是美国第二繁忙的集装箱港口的所在地,地处一个小油田上。该市拥有11英里的沙滩以及许多著名景点,例如 玛丽皇后太平洋水族馆. It?s also home to one of the largest universities in California by enrollment, 加州州立大学,长滩.


While real estate in Long Beach is among the most expensive in the nation, it is relatively affordable compared to some of the most expensive cities in California. The median home price in Long Beach is approximately $450,000. Long Beach has a wide variety of real estate available, from high-rise apartment and condo complexes to large, single-family homes. Row houses and attached homes are also common in Long Beach, making it one of the more walkable cities in Southern California. About half of the homes in Long Beach were built between the 1940s and 1960s, many of them designed in a cape or ranch style. There?s also a large percentage of homes built between 1970 and 1999, and some homes built in 2000 and later. No matter what style of home you?re looking for, chances are you?ll find it in Long Beach.


数千年来,原住民一直居住在现在的长滩地区。西班牙探险家于16世纪到达,西班牙帝国在整个地区发放了土地赠予。 1843年,乔纳森·邓普(Jonathan Temple)从新英格兰赶来,购买了兰乔·洛斯·塞里托斯(Rancho Los Cerritos),并建立了牧场,成为洛杉矶县最富有的人。 1866年,他将Rancho Los Cerritos卖给了养羊公司Flint,Bixby&Co。1897年,长滩市正式成立。多年来,长滩已发展成为海滨度假胜地。石油于1921年被发现,使长滩成为主要的石油生产国。实际上,长滩油田是1920年代世界上生产力最高的油田。 


长滩提供大洛杉矶地区一些最佳的餐饮,购物和娱乐选择。最著名的景点之一是 玛丽皇后,历史悠久的远洋客轮,永久停靠在长滩。在船上享用餐点,参加他们的许多活动中的一项,或倒退过夜。这 太平洋水族馆, Southern California?s largest aquarium, is a wonderful place to get up-close-and-personal with the marine life found in the Pacific Ocean.

长滩拥有繁荣的艺术氛围。它是几个优秀的艺术博物馆的所在地,其中包括 长滩艺术博物馆拉丁美洲艺术博物馆太平洋岛民族艺术博物馆。这座城市还以其充满活力的街头艺术而闻名, 东村艺术区 在长滩市中心,有许多美术馆,每月举办一次Artwalk。

长滩有许多户外探险。尽情享受 沙滩, 尤其 海洋公园 or ?Mother?s Beach?, which is great for families. Take a whale-watching tour or a romantic 缆车 在那不勒斯群岛的运河中。长滩市内有92个公园,包括 埃尔多拉多地区公园 在那里,游客可以享受钓鱼湖,射箭场,自行车道和野餐区。长滩也是这里的故乡 长滩大奖赛, the city?s largest event.


长滩市的大多数学生都由 长滩联合学区,它被誉为全美最好的饭店之一。该学区为大约75,000名学生提供服务,师生比为27-1。此外,长滩是 加州州立大学,长滩, 长滩城市学院太平洋海岸大学,是一所私立非营利性法学院。


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