Open now and through until the end of the month, the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts has served as showcase for artists and art lovers for 85 years. One of the oldest art festivals in the country, this high-acclaimed juried fine art show includes a wide variety of media including painting, printmaking, photography, jewelry, sculpture, handcrafted wood and furniture, glass, ceramics and more. Taking place from early July through August every year, the festival features more than 100 of Orange County?s finest artists with special events taking place every day. Here is just a sampling of the events taking place at this year?s festival.
Every Thursday at 5:30 pm, the festival will host an Art, Jazz, Wine and Chocolate event. Participants have the opportunity to sample a variety of Kendall-Jackson wines selected to be compliment and enhance the flavor of chocolates from XAN Confections. The event takes places in the festival?s casual and classy outdoor setting where participants can also enjoy the soulful sounds of jazz played by live musicians. The cost for the wine and chocolate pairings is $20 in addition to the cost of festival admission. The concerts themselves are free.
Taking place on Saturday, August 12 from noon until 3:00 pm, the Festival Runway Fashion Show gives participants the opportunity to see what is ?in? and what is ?out? as festival artists complete to create the most inspired works using reused, reclaimed and recycled materials. The fully-produced show will also feature celebrity hosts and judges. The show is free with price of admission to the festival.
整个活动期间还将提供各种不同的青年计划,包括侧重于蜡画,大理石装饰,版画制作,禽舍制作等的青年计划。请务必与 festival?s website 查看整个八月份将发生的许多不同事件的完整列表。
拉古纳海滩艺术节的一般门票是在工作日为$8,在周末为$12。学生和老年人在工作日入学$5,在周末入学$8。 $24也提供无限次进入的通行证。此通行证可无限次进入拉古纳艺术博览会,艺术节和木屑艺术节,使您可以访问500多位艺术家和他们的艺术品,300多个动手艺术工作室,200多个音乐表演和数十个特别活动和艺术家示范。该通行证还可以在拉古纳峡谷路(Laguna Canyon Road)的Act V停车场免费提供一次免费停车,并提供免费班车服务。拉古纳海滩艺术节在拉古纳海滩的拉古纳峡谷路650号举行。