How To Get Ready For a 2022 Home Sale

Is one of your goals for the New Year to put your home on the market? Well, we have good news for you. Experts are predicting that 2022 will continue to be a seller?s market. But that doesn?t mean you can phone in your home sale. If you want to sell fast for the most money, you need to get prepared. Here?s a list of what you should be doing now to make your 2022 home sale a success.

Make a repair inventory

Chances are, your home could use a little sprucing up before you put it on the market. Take a walk through your home and think like a buyer. What repairs would you like to see completed? Maybe you need to finally fix that nonfunctioning light or tighten that loose doorknob. Make a list of those repairs. Are there any other improvements you can make that will make your home more appealing to buyers? You don?t need to do an entire makeover. Instead, think strategically about what will give you the most bang for your buck. Once you have your list together, create a budget and a timeline for getting them done.

Start decluttering and cleaning

The end of the year is a great time to declutter your home — especially if you?re getting ready to sell. Go room by room and discard what you no longer want or need. Organize or start packing up what remains. Buyers want to see a clean slate — they should be able to easily see themselves living in your home. Take those packed boxes and bulky furniture and put them in storage until it?s time to move. Then give your home a deep clean. If that sounds daunting, then hire a professional crew to get the job done. Your home needs to be squeaky clean!

Don?t forget about the exterior

Curb appeal is a big factor when it?s time to sell your home. Could your home?s exterior use a little love? Tidy up the yard by trimming trees and bushes, mowing the lawn, and weeding garden beds. Power wash sidewalks, driveways, and porches. Consider giving your front door a fresh coat of paint. You could also swap out your light fixture, mailbox, and house number. These small changes can have a big positive impact on your sale.

Gather your paperwork

Finally, start gathering the scartoffie you?ll need to complete your sale. This could include tax records, HOA details, manuals, warranties, and documentation of repairs and upgrades. Are you planning to buy a home while you?re at it? Then starting putting your financial records together like tax returns and bank statements. You?ll thank yourself later.

Work with the pros at Agent inc.

If you?re planning to sell your home in 2022, then it pays to work with the pros. Contact Agent inc. a 949-791-8160 o [email protected] to get started. We?ll be with you every step of the way. Let?s open your world to new possibilities!

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