Essential End-of-Summer Household Chores

It’s hard to believe, but summer is almost over! How is that possible? It seems like we were just celebrating the 4th of July and now we’re getting ready for back-to-school season. This time of year can be hectic for most people. But that doesn’t mean you should neglect needed maintenance on your home. In fact, the end of the summer is the best time to tackle these specific chores, so be sure to pencil them into your schedule.

Clean your garbage and recycling bins

This chore is not high on anyone’s list of favorite things to do. But keeping your indoor garbage and recycling bins clean is a must. Trash cans can very easily absorb odors, leading to unpleasant smells in your home. To clean them, empty the bins and wash them with soap and water. Make it easier on yourself by doing it outside with the garden hose. Then scrub with a disinfectant and let them dry in the sun.

Clean floors and rugs

Summertime means lots of foot traffic inside and outside, and we tend to track lots of debris inside because of it. At the end of the season, set aside some time to clean your floors and rugs. Scrub and sanitize wood, vinyl, and tile floors and shampoo carpets and rugs.

Clean the pantry

August is the best time to clean out your pantry and kitchen cabinets in preparation for the school season and the colder months ahead. Toss out anything that is expired and donate any non-perishables that you aren’t going to use. Wipe down shelves and organize what’s left so that you can prepare your meals faster.

Clean bedroom closets

It’s not quite time to swap out summer clothes for coats and jackets. But you can make your life a lot easier in a month or two by cleaning out your bedroom closets now. Go through your clothes and sell or donate any items that you no longer wear or no longer fit. You’ll be freeing up room to make the transition to cold-weather clothes in the fall.

Organize the garage

The garage gets a lot of use in the summer, especially if you use your garage to store garden tools, outdoor furnishings, and sports equipment. As the summer winds down, clean all your tools and equipment and repair any damage. Donate items you no longer use. Take an extra hour or two to reorganize and store what’s left. You’ll thank yourself next summer!

Wash windows

Finally, dirt and grime can accumulate on windows over the summer months. Now is the time to clean them before the weather gets bad. Windows can be cleaned with a solution of water and vinegar that you wipe off with a microfiber cloth. It’s best to do this task on a cool, cloudy day to avoid streaks.

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