Cómo hacer que su casa se vea bien en línea

Virtual tours have become the ?new normal? because of the pandemic. Many sellers are understandably concerned about inviting unfamiliar people into their homes, and buyers want to stay safe as well. For this reason, it?s more important than ever that your home looks good online — whether it?s your listing pictures or during a live video tour. Having ?screen appeal? will make your home stand out and entice potential buyers. Here?s what you need to do to make that happen.

Curb appeal is still king

Even though most buyers will be seeing your home for the first time on a screen, it doesn?t mean that atractivo exterior isn?t still important. Usually, the first photo in your online listing will be of the exterior of the home and you want it to look good. Trim trees and bushes, mow the lawn and add seasonal decor. If you have the time, then also consider painting the front door, installing new lighting fixtures, and power-washing the house.

Staging is important

Curb appeal is important, but the inside of your home needs to look good, too. They say a picture is worth a thousand words — what words do you want to bring to mind when buyers are viewing your home online? First things first — you need to de-clutter and clean your entire home. Then think about what the best features are in each room. Your staging should highlight these features. Also, consider what some of the downsides are so that you can minimize them — whether it?s a less-than-stellar view or the lack of much natural light. 

Virtual staging is also a great option

Virtual staging is the newest craze in real estate marketing. If the home you?re trying to sell is empty, then virtual staging is a great way to make it more appealing without all the fuss. Instead of filling the home with actual furniture, digital tools are used to stage it with images of furniture and decor. There are now many professional stagers who specialize in digitally staging a home. You can also take a DIY approach as staging apps are now available on many platforms.

Do a test run

Now that you?ve staged your home, it?s time to take a step back and assess your work. Take pictures of each room to see what they will look like on screen. Do you like what you see? Great! If not, figure out what isn?t working. Maybe that great view is getting lost or the room is too dark. If you?ve hired a professional to photograph your home, then take some pictures before they arrive so you can test out your stagings. This gives you the opportunity to fine-tune your design so that you?re getting the most out of your investment.

See how it looks on a video call

It?s not just the pictures that are important. It?s also what your home will look like on a video tour. Many buyers will be opting to have their agents take them on video tours of the home and you want that experience to be as stress-free as possible. Do a video call with a friend and walk them through your home. Ask them what stands out in both positive and negative ways. Also, be sure that there are clear walkways so nobody trips.

Póngase en contacto con Agent inc. hoy

The best way to ensure a stress-free sale is to work with an expert. The agents at Agent inc. are standing by to answer all your questions and help you through every step of the process. Contact us today at 949-791-8160 o [email protected]. Together, we can open your world to new possibilities!

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