Located in Newport Beach, the Balboa Pavilion is one of the last surviving turn-of-the-century waterfront recreational pavilions in the state of California. Established on July 1, 9016, the Pavilion is the oldest standing building in the city. Originally developed along with the Balboa Pier in an effort to attract land buyers to the area, the Pavilion remains a popular marine recreational facility while also serving as the city?s most famous landmark.
In an effort to turn around the land that had been previously designated as ?swamp and overflow? land, the Newport Bay Investment Company was granted permission by the War Department in Washington, D.C. to construct the Balboa Pavilion as a ?boat-house, bath-house, and pavilion? on September 20, 1905. The then went on to build the Pavilion on the Newport Harbor side of the sand spit while the Balboa Pier was built on the adjacent ocean side of the sand spit. Today, this area is collectively known as the Balboa Peninsula.
由洛杉矶自由建筑师弗雷德·多恩(Fred R. Dorn)设计的65英尺维多利亚时代风格的凉亭于1906年7月1日竣工。三天后,一条通往红巴线的红线延伸至靠近凉亭的巴尔博亚中心10天的建设。然后人们开始蜂拥而至,很多人决定购买很多东西。
在1930年代的大乐队时代,馆在周末设有许多著名乐队。其中包括本尼·古德曼(Benny Goodman),贝西伯爵(Count Basie)和多西兄弟(Dorsey Brothers)。菲尔·哈里斯(Phil Harris)和他的乐队在一周内还定期在Pavilion演出。正是在这里,被称为巴尔波亚(Balboa)的舞步起源并席卷了全国。展馆还设有数个棋牌室,供顾客赌博。直到1930年代左右,在凉亭还提供了乘快艇的旅程,其中涉及将两艘35英尺高的船从凉亭下面驶入太平洋。
多年来,展馆的楼上部分有许多用途。在原始建筑物中,第二层是一间会议室,而第一层是一间澡堂,人们可以将其改成租用的沐浴间。 1942年,一位商人将楼上的租金租了出去,他用它来经营一条十车道的保龄球馆。 1954年,博物馆改建为贝壳博物馆,陈列着250万枚贝壳。该收藏品后来捐赠给了圣安娜的鲍尔斯博物馆。今天,楼上已成为宴会,会议和招待会的宴会厅。展馆还用作卡塔利娜传单到卡塔利娜岛的运输终点站。