
Shorecliffs社区位于San Clemente的San Clemente North地区,拥有500多个单层和两层楼的房屋,可欣赏壮丽的海景。大部分房屋建于1960年代初,社区由各种各样的业主和风格各异的房屋组成。从海滩到高尔夫俱乐部,Shorecliffs社区的居民可轻松使用各种便利设施。


Shorecliffs社区靠近海洋,步行即可到达私人海滩,通过太平洋海岸公路(Pacific Coast Highway)可以轻松到达。虽然社区本身不是海滨,但它毗邻达纳岬(Dana Point)海滩路的海滨房屋。


Residents are also located conveniently near to the Shorecliffs Beach Club, which is a private club situated on the Pacific Ocean. The club offers a number of activities for homeowner members, including family-friendly events and community activities. Other amenities of the club include a fenced-in children?s playground and opportunities to enjoy outdoor activities such as paddle tennis, volleyball, ping pong and basketball. The inside of the clubhouse also boasts a big screen television, an assortment of games and a full kitchen.

圣克莱门特(San Clemente)生活方式

根据2010年人口普查,圣克莱门特(San Clemente)人口接近65,000,位于奥兰治县南端洛杉矶和圣地亚哥之间的加利福尼亚海岸。圣克莱门特(San Clemente)以其海洋,丘陵和山脉美景而闻名,其特点是西班牙殖民时期风格的建筑和宜人的气候。凭借其地中海气候,该地区的温度趋于平均水平在70年代,最温暖的月份是八月,平均气温为79度。最冷的月份是十二月,平均气温为64度。

The San Clemente area is popular among surfers, not just because of the pleasant year-round temperatures, but because the area catches swells all year. As a major surfing destination, it is home to Surfing Magazine, Longboard Magazine and The Surfer?s Journal publications. The city also has a large concentration of surfboard manufacturers and shapers, while San Clemente High School has won 6 out of 7 recent NSSA national surfing titles.


圣克莱门特市由Capistrano统一学区提供服务。全市有六所小学,三所中学和一所中学。还有一所虚拟的公立高中,Capistrano Connections学院,为幼儿园到十二年级的学生提供服务。圣克莱门特高中设有国际文凭课程,并提供许多高级选修课程。这所学校还拥有一支获得全国冠军的舞蹈队以及屡获殊荣的乐队,管弦乐队和声乐团体。
