
Bear Brand的封闭式社区位于山腰的Camino Del Avion上,拥有127位私人居民,其中大多数人享有太平洋,达纳角海港和卡塔利娜岛的美丽景色。这个滨水社区的每所房屋都采用独特设计的建筑,提供独特的外观,使每位居民在展现个性的同时仍能营造出凝聚力和吸引力的邻里风貌。


高档Bear品牌社区的居民可以使用许多便利设施。其中包括使用20英亩的绿化带和茂密的园林绿化,以及可欣赏美丽的山峦和海景的步行道。还为居民提供24小时保安,并在Camino Del Avion和金灯笼门口张贴警卫。熊牌拥有专业的管理人员和私人拥有的街道,为居民提供了最高水平的安全和服务。

The city of Laguna Niguel also offers residents access to a variety of recreational opportunities, including an extensive park and trail system. In fact, over one-third of the city is public open space divided between 31 city parks and 4 county parks. As such, many of its major roads are designated as scenic highways. The centrally located 227-acre Laguna Regional Park features an extensive trail network, the Laguna Niguel Lake and ball courts, while Crown Valley Park is home to the city?s main sports facilities. The Alliso and Wood Canyons Wilderness Park, which borders the city to the west, is home to more than 4,000 acres of canyons, grasslands and riparian forests. Altogether, there are nearly 80 miles of non-motorized trails within the city that are designated for hiking, biking and horseback riding.


由于其位于拉古纳·尼格尔(Laguna Niguel)的地理位置,熊牌社区(Bear Brand)为居民提供了全年可爱的气候。 Laguna Niguel是加利福尼亚州奥兰治县的郊区城市,与Aliso Viejo,Dana Point,Laguna Beach,Laguna Hills,Mission Viejo和San Juan Capistrano等城市接壤。该社区位于圣华金山(San Joaquin Hills),部分地以曾经位于阿利索溪(Aliso Creek)附近的美国原住民村庄尼吉利(Niguili)命名。名称的另一部分是拉古纳(Laguna),是西班牙语中的泻湖。

根据2010年的人口普查,拉古纳·尼格尔(Laguna Niguel)人口接近63,000,最初是作为墨西哥牧场牧场(Rancho Niguel)土地赠款的一部分而成立的。该赠款是由拉古纳·尼格尔公司(Laguna Niguel Corporation)在1959年获得的,目的是发展该州最早的总体规划社区之一。 Toda,拉古纳·尼格尔(Laguna Niguel)的卧室社区,是一个相对富裕的城市,家庭收入中位数比奥兰治县(Orange County)的平均收入高31%,几乎是美国平均水平的两倍。


In order to maintain the attractive community appearance, Bear Brand has many community guidelines in place. For example, overnight parking is not permitted on the private streets within the community. If special circumstances warrant overnight parking, such as when a guest is staying at a resident?s home, management must be contacted for permission to be granted for a specified period of time. Furthermore, when sending in an application for architectural approval, residents must submit three sets of plans.
