Bayshores 位于纽波特海滩美丽的纽波特港,是一个拥有 249 套住宅的可爱飞地。首屈一指的海滨社区以蜿蜒的街道两旁种植着成熟的树木、迷人的房屋和精致的花园为特色,为许多居民提供了迷人的水景。
Residents of Bayshores enjoy a number of community amenities, including access to two private beaches on the bay and a children?s play park area. Other amenities include a community guest dock, a sand volleyball area and two yacht marinas. Residents of the gated Bayshores community also enjoy a high level of security with 24-hour guard service.
由于其位于纽波特港的位置,Bayshores 还为其居民提供了充足的机会来享受各种水上运动和活动。该地区的热门活动包括划独木舟、皮划艇、划船、帆船、钓鱼和单桨冲浪。它也是观鲸、运动钓鱼和海港旅游的热门地点,许多商业海事公司在该地区开展业务。
纽波特港是一个半人工港口,于 1900 年代初通过疏浚纽波特湾河口而形成。从那时起,还建造了几个人工岛,现在所有的人工岛都被私人住宅所覆盖。这些岛屿包括巴尔博亚岛、海湾岛、柯林斯岛、海港岛、丽都岛、琳达岛、小巴尔博亚岛和纽波特岛。
早期,纽波特港是商业捕鱼、造船和造船等海洋产业的重要支持者。今天,该地区主要用于娱乐,其海岸主要由私人住宅和私人码头占据。事实上,纽波特港是美国西部最大的休闲船港之一,大约有 9,000 艘船。
纽波特港有时也被称为下纽波特湾,位于分隔纽波特湾的太平洋海岸公路大桥以南。桥以北的区域被称为上纽波特湾。虽然这座桥对于大多数帆船和非常大的船只来说太低了,但在丽都岛周围的纽波特港航道北端,提供了许多小型商业中心。海峡的东北侧是丽都码头村(Lido Marina Village)的所在地,这里为许多纽波特派对船以及当地餐馆和小商人提供当地港口。
The seaside city of Newport Beach, in which Bayshores is located, is situated in Orange County, California. With a population of 85,287 according to the 2010 census, the city?s median family income and property values are consistently placed high in national rankings. In 2010, it was reported that more than a quarter of the households have incomes greater than $200,000 and that the median home value was more than $1 million.