
Balboa游艇俱乐部位于纽波特港入口附近的Corona del Mar,其历史可以追溯到1992年。自成立以来,Balboa游艇俱乐部一直以多种方式为该地区提供服务。


Balboa Yacht Club最初称为Southland Sailing Club,成立后不久便改名为现名。该设施设有带室内和室外座位的主餐厅以及带烧烤设施和小吃店的凉亭。除了提供系泊罐头外,该设施还为会员和客人提供月租湿地和湿地机器人。湿滑单板可以容纳最长55英尺的船,而干滑单板则利用三吨重的起重机来容纳长度不超过25英尺的小型船。该设施每周开放五天,还提供橡皮艇下水道和仓库以及专职码头工作人员和岸上船只。


除了Corona del Mar的主要设施外,Balboa游艇俱乐部还在Whites Cove的Catalina岛上的阿瓦隆以西设有分站。圣卡塔利娜岛的怀特兰兹着陆场还设有卫星设施。这个卫星位置为会员提供了一个小锚点以及一个海滩,他们可以在岛上划船时留下来。对于那些不适合睡觉的船只,也可以使用一些帐篷,而在光线充足的地方可以使用大型公共烧烤炉做晚饭。也可以使用皮划艇和排球场。


The Balboa Yacht Club is home to several fleets, many of which race on a regular basis. While it is home to the Thursday night ?Beer Can Races,? most of the larger boat race outside of Newport Harbor in the Pacific Ocean. Meanwhile, the Beer Can Races offer a more relaxed environment than major offshore races. Fleets found at Balboa Yacht Club include FJs, Harbor 20s, Naples Sabot, Santana 20?s and an adult Sabot fleet.

Balboa?s skippers also offer a rich history, with skippers Bob White and Bob Davis winning the Snipe world championships in 1945 and 1946 respectively. Jack Franco and Renee Vesterby won the North Americans in 1990, while David Ullman won the 470 World Championships in 1977, 1978 and 1980 as well as the Clifford Day Mallory Cup I 1980 and the Melges 24 World Championships in 2007.


The Balboa Yacht Club is also home to a number of junior sailing programs, with the club employing a full-time junior program director along with coaches, maintenance and administrative staff for the program. Facilities for the program include a junior clubhouse, Sabot and Laser storage spaces, a tool room, a launching ramp and sail and boat wash areas. Members also have access to the junior charter fleet, which includes Lasers, Sabots, C420?s and CFJ?s. The fleet also includes Whaler chase boats, the BYC Jr. race committee boat, multi-boat trailers and inflatables.
