太平洋沿岸公路的南端位于达纳角(Dana Point)的卡皮斯特拉诺海滩(Capistrano Beach)的I-5州。从这里,国家路线向西行驶到市中心。离开达纳角(Dana Point)后,这条路线继续沿沿海西北方向,穿过拉古纳海滩(Laguna Beach)和水晶湾州立公园(Crystal Cove State Park)。然后,SR 1进入纽波特海滩,这里被称为海岸公路。
After Coast Highway enters Newport Beach, it passes through several of the city?s affluent neighborhoods. These include Corona del Mar and Newport Coast. The state route also spans the entrance to the Upper Newport Bay, where it marks the boundary between the West Coast Highway and the East Coast Highway before crossing California State Route 55.
海岸高速公路进入亨廷顿州立海滩后,该路线将重新获得太平洋海岸高速公路的称号,然后到达Bolsa Chica State Beach和Bolsa Chica生态保护区。然后,太平洋海岸公路(Pacific Coast Highway)沿着海岸继续前进,直到到达海豹海滩(Seal Beach),该海滩是奥兰治县内路线上的最后一个城市。
虽然1号州际公路是加利福尼亚高速公路和高速公路系统的一部分,并且符合州级风景名胜公路系统的资格,但只有洛杉矶和旧金山之间的几条路段被指定为风景名胜公路。此外,从圣路易斯·奥比斯波(San Luis Obispo)到卡梅尔(Carmel)的大苏尔(Big Sur)地区是国家风景区官方道。
In addition to connecting the coastal cities and communities that are situated along its path, State Route 1 provides access to parks, beaches and other attractions located on the coast. This makes the route, which runs beside the coastline or close to it nearly the entire time, popular among tourist, helping to bring in several billion dollars to the state?s tourism industry. With some segments of the route ranging from rural two-lane roads to urban freeway, getting off of the route and taking other routes such as US 101 or I-5 can be a faster option for reaching various attractions along the way.