With mosquito season upon us, it is important to take steps to help reduce their numbers. Not only does this help to make for a more enjoyable and relaxing summer, but it is also a matter of health. After all, mosquitoes can bring illness, so reducing their numbers is a key step toward prevention. For this reason, the OC Mosquito and Vector Control District has joined with other public health agencies throughout the state to help raise awareness.
The Dangers of Mosquitoes
No one can deny that mosquitoes are pesky critters who take away the joy of spending time outdoors. Not only do they swarm about and create a nuisance, but they also create itchy bumps when sucking out blood. Unfortunately, in some circumstances, they can cause far more damage than just this. According to the OC Mosquito and Vector Control District, Orange County has experienced an increase in the number of mosquito-borne illnesses such as West Nile contracted by its residents. The presence of the invasive Aedes mosquitoes also threatens residents with diseases such as dengue fever, Zika virus and Chikungunya. Taking steps to reduce their numbers while also keeping mosquitoes out of your home will help to reduce your chances of contracting one of these conditions.
Tips for Controlling Mosquitoes
Now is the time when mosquitoes transform from larvae into sucking, stinging insects. To help protect people and pets, it is essential to eliminate standing water from property to the extent possible, as this is where the mosquitoes lay their eggs. It is a good idea to conduct a property inspection once per week to dump and drain any items that may be holding water or that could potentially hold water. To keep mosquitoes out of your home, make sure all of your window and door screens are in good repair. It is also a good idea to wear a mosquito repellent containing DEET, IR3535, Picaridin or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus.
You can also assist with keeping mosquito populations down in your area and addressing other issues related to mosquitos by contacting the OC Mosquito and Vector Control District to report dead birds or neglected swimming pools.
To further assist with controlling mosquito populations, OC Mosqutio and Vector Control District has met with officials from cities with historically higher than average mosquito activity to discuss how to leverage city assets and volunteer groups to get the message about mosquito control out to residents. District staff will also be participating in city events and giving presentations in an effort to educate the public about ways to help eliminate mosquitoes and how they can protect themselves. All residents are also encouraged to sign-up for the OC Mosquito and Vector Control Districtemail notification, to follow the district on social media and to check the website for the most current West Nile virus information.