Grow a Green Thumb at Roger?s Gardens This August

For those who want to get the most of vegetable gardening, Roger?s Gardens offers a number of seminars and special events that you might wish to attend this month. Here is a look at just a few.

Cool Season Tomatoes with David Rizzo

Tomato ?Guro? David Rizzo will share his knowledge and experience on how to utilize the Southern California climate to prolong the life of tomato crops by planting selected cool season tomato varieties. In this way, you can ensure you will have an abundant harvest through the fall and winter seasons. He will also provide tips for fertilizing, watering, pruning and amending the soil. The free seminar takes place on August 12th from 9:00 am until 10:00 am.

17th Annual Tomato and Pepper Tasting

The 17th Annual Tomato and Pepper Tasting will take place on August 19th from 8:00 am until 9:30 am. At this special event, participants have the opportunity taste dozens of home tomato varieties, including giant beef-stakes, heirlooms, golds and stripes, colorful purples, sweet cherries and more. Expert horticulturalist David Rizzo will also offer a variety of peppers available for tasting, all grown in his home garden.

At this special tasting event, participants get to learn about new varieties of tomatoes and peppers as they select their favorite flavors. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions about how to grow their own tomatoes.

The 17th Annual Tomato and Pepper Tasting will take place at Roger?s Gardens, located at 2301 San Joaquin Hills Road in Corona del Mar. The cost is $10 per person with children 10 and under admitted for free. Advanced tickets are required. Tasting times are at 8:00 am, 8:30 am, 9:00 am and 9:30 am. Gardeners who bring in tomatoes and pepper from their own garden by 7:45 will be admitted for free. Vegetables should be separated by variety but kept whole so they can be cut and prepared at the event.

Small Space Gardening with Herbs with Dalia Brunner

Expert horticulturalist Dalia Brunner will demonstrate how to grow and maintain a small space garden. At this special seminar, she will answer questions related to the best performing plant varieties while also exploring the best herbs to plant in the late fall season. The seminar will take place on August 26th from 9:00 am until 10:00 am.

Cooking with Chef Mead: All About Herbs

At Cooking with Chef Mead: All About Herbs, participants can learn from Chef Rich Mead as he demonstrates how to cook with herbs, The owner and chef of Farmhouse at Roger?s Gardens, Chef Mead will teach participants how to use fresh herbs to add a layer of flavor to any dish. The workshop will also show participants how to make a sauce or puree to rub on protein while also experimenting with fresh seasonal ingredient combinations. The event, which takes place on August 27th from 10:00 am to 11:00 am is free.

Roger?s Gardens is a destination home and garden store that is designed to meet the needs of customers who are looking for creative ideas and unique products for indoor and outdoor living. The grounds are filled with flowering plant, foliage, authentic Italian pottery, fountains and fine home furnishings and collectables. A family-owned business, Roger?s Gardens has been a part of Corona del Mar for more than 30 years.

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