Santa Fe Hills

Family Neighborhood

About Santa Fe Hills

This upscale, family-friendly neighborhood is close to Highway 78 for commuters and is surrounded by outdoor recreation, dining and shopping. Santa Fe Hills offers good schools, well-manicured parks, tree-lined streets with sidewalks, close proximity to Palomar College and University of California San Marcos, hiking trails, and the Grand Plaza Mall ? all just a short drive from the beautiful beaches of Carlsbad.

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Santa Fe Hills Sales Data

فروش مسکونی

درصد تغییر نسبت به آخرین سه ماهه در مقابل مدت مشابه سال قبل

متوسط قیمت فروش

Data compiled using 3rd quarter 2022 data vs. same period from 2021

متوسط قیمت فروش

Q3 2022
قیمت فروش پزشکی
$1.8 متر
- 0%
From Q2 2022
$2.0 متر
$1.6 متر

Santa Fe Hills News

Cleaning Your Gadgets for a Healthy 2022

Cleaning Your Gadgets for a Healthy 2022

When was the last time you cleaned your smartphone? Or how about your tablet, laptop, gaming console, or earphones? While we often think of cleaning our homes once the new year… Read more ?
Create New Cleaning Habits in the New Year

Create New Cleaning Habits in the New Year

The New Year is always a prime time to set goals for the months ahead. Oftentimes, this includes cleaning. Getting your home clean and ready for a brand-spanking-new year is one… Read more ?
Winterizing Your Home in Warm Climates

Winterizing Your Home in Warm Climates

Just because you live in a warm climate doesn?t mean you don?t have to get your home ready for winter. Even if you don?t expect temperatures to drop below freezing there… Read more ?

Where To Drink, Dine, Shop, Relax & Recline

اجاره تعطیلات نماینده

اجاره تعطیلات نماینده

گروه بادیی

گروه بادیی

Kirk Badii ? Managing Partner
  • ص: 310-846-8362

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