Die Hügel

Ruhige Gemeinschaft

Über die Hügel

The Hills community is known for its wide, tree-lined streets.  Bike lanes and walkways run throughout the community. It isn?t unusual to see locals out walking their dogs or jogging.

The Hills of Summerlin is convenient to the Summerlin Pkwy and the 215 Beltway. This is an excellent location for those who enjoy a quiet community that?s only 20 minutes from the Las Vegas Strip. Just to the West of the Hills of Summerlin is the Trails Village Center.

Durchschnittlicher Arbeitsweg
0 min
Median Area Income
Medianer Verkaufspreis

Der Pendelverkehr


Zum Stadtzentrum

Die Verkaufsdaten von Hills

0 0%

Prozentuale Veränderung gegenüber dem letzten Quartal gegenüber dem gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres

Medianer Verkaufspreis
$0 +0%

Data compiled using 2nd quarter 2024 data vs. same period from 2023

Medianer Verkaufspreis

Q2 2024
+ 0%
From Q1 2024


Population by Age Level. Median Age 42.6. Households: 1,672.

In Thousand of Dollars. (Median Income: $113,256)

Bevölkerung nach Bildungsniveau

Faire Marktmieten

Die Hills-Nachrichten

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Cleaning Your Gadgets for a Healthy 2022

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Create New Cleaning Habits in the New Year

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Winterizing Your Home in Warm Climates

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Where To Drink, Dine, Shop, Relax & Recline

Agent Ferienwohnung

Agent Ferienwohnung

Badii Gruppe

Badii Gruppe

Kirk Badii ? Managing Partner
  • P: 310-846-8362

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