If you love classic car shows or if you are a fan of Volkswagens, you definitely won?t want to miss Bugorama. Offering several awards for all types of Volkswagens, Bugorama offers opportunities to see classic cars, to make deals with VW parts vendors, to enjoy great food and more. Here?s what you need to know about the show before you go.
Wann und wo ist Bugorama?
A Pre-Classic Event will take place on June 16th to kick off the ?Classic Weekend.? At this event, you can see all of the parts from the top VW aftermarket vendors, ranging from stock to high performance. You can also purchase a pre-sale Classic ticket while enjoying locally made street tacos. Food will be served from 11:00 until they run out. This event will take place at Pierside Parts, which is located at 17031 Newland Street in Huntington Beach.
Am 16. Juni findet auch eine Pre-Classic-Kreuzfahrt statt. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt veranstaltet der Club eine Nachtkreuzfahrt auf der Main Street in Garden Grove auf der Strecke von 1/8 Meile zwischen dem Garden Grove Boulevard und der Acacia Street. Die Straße wird für die Kreuzfahrt um 16:00 Uhr für den lokalen Verkehr gesperrt.
The Classic Event will take place on June 17th at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, which is located at 88 Fair Drive. The gates will open at 6:00 am, with new part vendors on the midway and swap meets elsewhere on the grounds. The event will also feature a car show with awards given to ?Best Of? various classes. Food and drink vendors will also be on site to provide a variety of food options.
Was sind die Richtlinien für das Swap-Treffen?
Swap Meet spaces are 20? x 20?, with the $40 fee covering the cost of the space and admission for one adult. Swappers towing a trailer will be charged for two spots at a total cost of $60. Swap spaces may not contain new parts or new merchandise. Only used VW-related parts are permitted.
Was sind die Richtlinien für die Vendor Spaces?
Anbieter, die neue Teile verkaufen, werden sich auf halbem Weg befinden. Die Anbieter werden eine Vielzahl von VW-Einzelhandelsunternehmen und -Herstellern vertreten. Im Lieferantenbereich dürfen sich nur VW-bezogene Unternehmen mit neuen VW-bezogenen Artikeln niederlassen.
Wie melde ich mich für die Classic Car Show an und was sind die Auszeichnungen?
Pre-registration is not necessary to enter the Classic Car Show. Simply show up and register your vehicle upon arrival. Car show awards are handpicked by Bugoraman staff with several ?Best Of? class awards to be distributed.
Was sind die Klassen für die Show?
Classes that will receive ?Best Of? awards at the show include:
? Coolest and Best Stock Split Bug
? Coolest and Best Stock Oval Bug
? Coolest and Best Stock of the following: `58-`64, `65-`67, `68-`79 Bug
? Coolest and Best Stock of the following: pre-`67, `68-`79 Bus<
? Coolest and Best Stock Karmann Ghia
? Coolest and Best Stock Squareback
? Coolest and Best Stock Fastback
? Coolest and Best Stock Notchback
? Coolest and Best Stock Bug Vert
? Coolest and Best Stock Ghia Vert
? Coolest and Best Stock Thing
? Coolest and Best Stock Single/Double Cab
? Coolest Camper
? Coolest Dune Buggy
? Outstanding Engine
? Coolest Water Cooled Multi-Passenger
? Best Cal Looker
? Coolest and Best Stock Type III Ghia
? Coolest Off Road
? Coolest Volksrod
? Best Special Construction
? Host Club Choice
? Best Patina
? Most Original Car
? Best Interior
? Promoters Choice
? How Much Does it Cost to Attend Bugorama?
Die allgemeine Zulassung zu Bugorama ist $15. Kinder unter 12 Jahren haben Zutritt zu $5, Kinder bis 5 Jahre sind frei. Der Eintritt zur Autoausstellung ist $20, womit die Kosten für Fahrer und Auto gedeckt sind. Der Swap-Meet-Space ist $40 und beinhaltet den Eintritt für einen Erwachsenen und einen Space. Das Parken ist $8.