Start Planning Your Spring Garden Now

Gardening became one of the new hot hobbies last year because of the pandemic. Are you one of the millions of Americans who jumped on the grow-your-own-food bandwagon? If so, then it’s time to start planning your spring garden. Putting thought into your spring garden now not only helps to get you through the last stretch of winter, but it also puts you ahead of the game once the weather warms. Here’s what you need to do in order to be ready for spring planting season.

Order seed catalogs

Have you been introduced to the pleasure that is perusing seed catalogs? When you order seeds through the mail, you have a much wider variety to choose from than what you’d find at your local nursery. There’s nothing better than flipping through the pages of those catalogs that come in the dead of winter, dreaming of what your garden will look like this summer. The time to start ordering seeds is now, especially if gardening supplies are in high demand like they were last year. Ordering early gives you the best possible selection before things sell out.

Draw up a design

You don’t have to be an artist to draw up a design for your garden. If you’re planning to make any changes to your garden layout this year, then it’s helpful to put those ideas on paper before you begin digging. Drawing your plan gives you the chance to work out the kinks before you build anything permanent. You can draw your ideas the old-fashioned way with pencil and paper or you can use one of the many apps that are available for this purpose.

Know your zone

When you’re deciding what to plant, you need to know your gardening zone. This helps you to determine what plants will thrive in your location and which ones won’t. Knowing your zone helps you to plan when to begin planting seeds and seedlings by alerting you to the average frost dates in your area.

Get your tools in shape

Did your gardening tools take a beating last year? Then spend some time getting them into shape before the next gardening season begins. Keeping your tools in good working order saves you time and money and also helps prevent spreading disease among your plants. Clean and sharpen all your tools and get yourself some new gardening gloves.

Prepare for frost

If you aren’t in an area that experiences frost, then lucky you! But if you do live in an area where the temperatures drop below freezing, you need to be prepared for a late frost. Late frosts can wreak havoc on tender seedlings and destroy all your hard work. Have supplies on hand to deal with a possible late frost, such as frost cloths or simple bedsheets. You can use these to cover plants at night to protect them from damaging frost. Just be sure to remove the sheets in the morning.

Contact Agent inc. today

Are you dreaming of creating a beautiful garden in your very own home? Then contact the experts at Agent inc. at 949-791-8160 or [email protected]. We’re standing by to help you make your dreams of homeownership a reality!

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